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Credit & Debit Card Alerts & Registration

Purchase Alerts For Your Credit Card Account

With Account Guard Purchase Alerts powered by Visa, you can receive near real-time updates on your Visa® card activity. So you can act quickly to help reduce fraud and monitor your account, wherever you are. And Account Guard Purchase Alerts powered by Visa is free for American Pride Credit Union Visa cardholders. You can be notified by text or e-mail message and you have the ability to set what kind of alerts you want to receive based on dollar amount, place used, or foreign transactions. Sign up at Visa Purchase Alerts today.

Account Guard Alerts For Debit Cards

We now offer a free alerts service for your credit union MasterCard debit card. You'll be able to set the kind of alerts you want and be notified by either text or e-mail. You also have the ability to block and unblock your own card. Register your cards today at our secure Account Guard Alerts site.

Visa Account Management - EZ Card

To get access to your Visa credit card account, please sign on to our home banking site and click on "More" on the top menu and then click on EZ Card to sign on or to sign up!